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A native of the Dominican Republic who came to Massachusetts at the age of 20, Katty was unable to work due to multiple disabilities. She always did what she had to do to protect her children, even if it meant living in a shelter. While living with her family in a shelter in Norwell, she was referred to Metro Housing by Quincy Community Action Programs.

Katty knew very little English so it was beneficial to her when she was assigned to Luzdary, a native Spanish speaker. Luzdary quickly helped Katty through the process of applying for assistance from HomeBASE, allowing her to purchase furniture, pay first month’s rent, and move her family into a public housing apartment in Boston.

Luzdary advocated for better conditions on behalf of Katty after the apartment failed inspection three times. She also worked as an advocate for the children, ensuring that Katty’s son received the proper considerations with his IEP (Individualized Education Program) and that he received the transportation services he was entitled to.

“I had to fight for Katty because she didn’t know how to navigate through all of the processes,” said Luzdary.  “I wanted for Katty what she deserved – a safe place for her family and for her kids to receive the proper education they needed. It is what every mother wants for their children.”

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