Workshops for Participants
Affordable Housing Workshops
Metro Housing|Boston offers an array of trainings for tenants, property owners, and service providers to learn more about affordable housing. Many of these trainings are offered free of charge. Check back often to view listings and dates of upcoming workshops for tenants and register online.
Unless otherwise indicated, all workshops take place at the Metro Housing|Boston office at 1411 Tremont Street, Boston, MA.
For all reasonable accommodation requests, including sign language interpreters, or the need for an interpreter in a language other than English, please contact us at 617-425-6700 or prior to the scheduled date of the workshop.
Monthly Green Space Financial Literacy Workshops
Green Space financial literacy workshops are held monthly on the second Wednesday and third Tuesday evenings on Zoom. Topics rotate each month. You may contact the Green Space program at for more information or to be placed on the monthly distribution list.
Contact us with your questions or for assistance with event registration at or call 617-425-6700